Orders take 1-2 business days to be shipped out. All orders are shipped through USPS delivery. Oversized boxes or packages may come UPS. Tracking information will be emailed to you once your order is shipped out if available. Standard delivery time is 5-7 business days from the time your package is confirmed and departs our warehouse. Orders will not be shipped until credit card authorization has been verified and cleared.
We only ship within the United States at this time, but if you would like something shipped internationally please contact us, and we would love to help you shop with Beyond Urban.
Free Shipping with any order of $75 or more
$5 Flat Rate Shipping
2-Day Shipping $20
Overnight Shipping $28
Beyond Urban is not responsible for return shipping or lost returns. Tracking is recommened when returning an item.
Store Pick-up is during normal business hours. Pick up is contactless. Each order will be outside in the pick up bin with your name on the bag.
Please allow extra timing for shipping right now due to covid-19, packages may experience some delays from the shipping carriers and we cannot control or reimburse for shipping delays due to covid.